Energy Cost Saver

Cheaper Energy Bills

Wholesale energy costs have dropped 40% in the past 12 months. Has your electricity provider dropped your costs?

At Solar for Business as part of our energy audit process, we will review your current energy bill and network tariff spend.

Typically, only half your power bill is the energy your business consumes. The other half is the extortionate cost of bringing it into your factory or office building via usually foreign owned poles, wires and substations. This cost constantly goes up even on a fixed power contract.

In many cases, Australian businesses are being overcharged by their current provider. There is cheaper power and lower network connection fees available. Using our software and energy retailer connections, we can lower your energy bills by a significant amount for zero cost to you. No fee and no risk. If you aren’t happy with the solution offered you are under no obligation to change.

The Covid 19 pandemic

The virus and consequences has impacted all our lives. But it has lowered the cost of wholesale energy as many businesses are forced to shut down and overall demand for oil, gas and electricity has dropped.

Conversely, if you are a business that has seen demand surge during this crisis, we can still lower your increased operating expenses by reviewing your power and gas spend.

Group Energy Procurement

Multinationals or multi-site businesses may be eligible for our group tendering process where we can essentially “bulk buy” power under one contract lowering the wholesale rate you pay.

Network Tariff Assessments

Solar for Business can review and reduce your kVa demand charges using a variety of tools, including demand shaving using our battery power plants. If this allows you to be eligible for a lower network tariff these savings can be in the 10’s of thousands of dollars. This can also significantly increase the ROI on any battery back up investment.

Contact us for a free energy assessment by emailing Attach your last 2 energy bills so we can get an idea of your average use and ideal plan to reduce your energy costs.

Alternatively you can visit our energy broking partner Enercom Energy Solutions direct. to discuss your energy bill.